This control panel performs the exactly same the same function as the "Secret Finder Features" extension except that it is user-configurable (Personally, I like the Finder Zooms)
Beginning with Finder 7.5.4—System 7.5.2. and up—Apple added a couple of features to the Finder, but did not enable them, apparantly for want of testing. They are:
Control-Drag an item to make an alias to it
Command-R to Reveal the original item of an alias
Command-Delete Moves selection to the Trash
Enable/Disable the zoom rectangles when opening/closing windows and gridding
To enable these features, just drag Hidden Finder Features to the control panels folder and open it. The options you enable take effect immediately, no need to restart.
This control panel does not install any conflict-inducing patches, it simply enables features that were already in the Finder.
Some of my other shareware programs
Marathon-Phile Juggler
in development
Off-Line Web Broswer
Mail DataBase
Logic Problem Solver
Please send bug reports, comments, suggestions, hate mail, etc. to
The latest version of my shareware programs, as well as other cool stuff, can be found on my home page at:
You might also run across me in the WarBirds arena ( as kcir.